About Mount Everest College, Senapati, Manipur

The Mount Everest College, Senapati, Manipur is one of the reputed and prestigious Colleges in Senapati District Headquarters. It was established in the year 1999 A.D with a vision to achieve acaddemic excellence by imparting quality and secure education with strong emphasis on spiritual growth, transparency in thought and action through " value Based Education".

It is co educational Institution with baording facility. The college is permanantly affiliated to Manipur University and recognized by UGC under 2(f) and 12(b) of UGC Act,1956

The college is situated on the outskirts of the busy commercial township of Senapati District Headquarters. The location affords solitude and congenial atmosphere conductive to the pursuit of good education. The beauty of the environment is enhanced by the National Highway 39 that runs parallel to the meandering Senapati river- both just below the college campus. The college location is surrounded by lush green hills and is easily accessible by various means of transport.


The lust green 25 Acre premises of the Mount Everest College provides ample space for spacious classrooms, computer labs, library, chapel hall, conference hall, auditorium, administrative blocks, canteen, recreational activity, amenities and the much more required parking facility. The College has also a large track of land adequate though to extend further to accommodate the ever spiraling number of students for various traditional study courses and time to time introduction of new diversified vocational courses.

The Campus is clustered with a number of hostels as many as 20 (Twenty) hostels both for boys and girls round the clock availability of highly experienced and dedicated faculty member possessing valuable subject knowledge and excellent skill, making learning enjoyable, live inside the same Campus, close personal touch between teachers and the students is maintained due to round the clock availability of teachers. .

Greenery and the scenic beauty of the MEC Campus is enhanced by its natural ambiance full-fledged poem of C.F. Alexander "All things bright and beautiful......" The good God made them all". Full swing construction of a Block consisting of new canteen, new Library and indoor mini stadium. It is planned that in the near future the campus is to have a new look all together.


    1. To contribute the best of our capacity to removing illiteracy in the region of our generation and the generations ahead.

    2. To provide the highest standard of personal development including intellectual, physical and spiritual values.

    3. To equip and direct every individual student to be fit and take part as an individual in the society and the nation in the way that suits best according to one's own talent.

    4. To give top priority to civic sense building and discipline so as to produce high quality secular educated persons of the highest degree of integrity and abolish corruption in the society.

    5. To develop and promote skills of leadership so as to equip them for their tomorrow's role as pillars of the nation.

    6. To inculcate in them the habit of information seeking and passing.

    7. To inculcate in them the sense of duty so as to help them lead purposful life.

    8. To help students appreciate cultural plurality while not mistaking the uniqueness of each one.

    9. To educate the students in matters of human rights so as to let them understand thier own right as human being and appreciate and ac commodate the other fellow beings' rights.

    10. To help students realize the bare facts of what ecological balance means and accordingly use eco-friendly articles.

President, MT.Everest College, Senapati

Awarded OUTSTANDING NATIONAL CITIZEN Award-2006 by National Citizens Guild
Best Principal Award by International Institute of Education & Management

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Chapel service is usually conducted before the class begins for enabling spiritual growth of the institutional family members. As such chapel service is made compulsory for all, including teachers and non-teaching staff, MEC being the minority Institution,.

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